Modern Slavery Statement

Modern Slavery Statement


The Modern Slavery Act is an important piece of legislation to protect vulnerable workers, respecting their human rights, driving transparency throughout the supply chain and ensuring the supply chain is slavery and trafficking free. Morgan’s Direct is fully committed to striving to ensure there is no modern slavery and human trafficking in any part of its businesses or in its supply chains. This statement sets out the steps we are taking and intend to take in the future to strive to ensure an absence of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains.

Our Policy on Slavery and Human Trafficking

As a responsible retailer, we are committed to continual improvement of our systems and processes and strive to ensure modern slavery does not exist within our businesses and supply chains.

The Business

This statement describes the activities of the business. We are a trusted E-commerce retailer delivering outstanding customer service and first-class product knowledge. We strive to trade with the best quality suppliers who have the highest social and ethical standards and make available the highest quality products for the business and our valued customers. The varied products are sourced from countries across the world, from the UK, Europe and further afield such as the Indian sub-continent and Asia.

Our Supply Chain

The business has long-standing relationships with a large number of carefully selected suppliers who produce some of the most prominent brands within the sector. We are committed to working with our suppliers to identify issues and develop a plan for them to make improvements. Our suppliers are expected to adhere to our supplier Code of Conduct, which reflects our commitment to striving to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our supply chains. We request copies of our preferred and new suppliers’ anti-slavery policies to ensure they adhere to our principles and Code of Conduct and continue to monitor suppliers including carrying out factory audits both through our agents and carried out by our trading teams.

Due Diligence Processes

Our due diligence processes are designed to demonstrate our commitment to striving to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain. We expect, and have obtained confirmation that suppliers of each of our products, and the suppliers of services to our business, adhere to our supplier code of conduct. The implementation of the code is sought through regular checks of supplier services and factories by agents, third parties and our staff. We have also taken steps to identify potential risk areas and closely monitor those areas. Our code of conduct aims to uphold internationally agreed standards of labour, in particular those set by the Ethical Trade Initiative (ETI).

We expect those in our supply chain to respect the rights and wellbeing of their workforce, protect the natural environment and promote high standards of welfare. Our code of conduct sets out our commitment to freedom to choose employment, freedom of association and collective bargaining, safe and hygienic working conditions, no child labour, payment of a living wage, no excessive hours, no discrimination, regular employment and no harsh or inhumane treatment.

Future Steps

Over the coming year Morgan’s Direct is committed to:

  • continuing to review, improve and develop systems and processes to ensure that our supply chain adheres to our principles and values, including an ongoing review of our Code of Conduct to ensure it is fit for purpose and effective;
  • continuing to review and improve our due diligence and selection process for new suppliers to seek to ensure they, and their supply chains, adhere to our Code of Conduct; and
  • measuring and reviewing the effectiveness of our policies against our expectations; and
  • increasing awareness within all our businesses by training colleagues in all levels of the business.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our slavery and human trafficking statement for the current financial year.

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